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Mental Health Employment Services

Work, Etc. is our community-based adult mental health program that follows an evidence-based practice called Individual Placement and Support (IPS). IPS is a model of supported employment for people living with serious mental illness or serious and persistent mental illness. Employment is viewed by many as an essential part of recovery.

Individual Placement & Support

Work, Etc. is our community-based adult mental health program that follows an evidence-based practice called Individual Placement and Support (IPS).  IPS is a model of supported employment for people living with serious mental illness or serious and persistent mental illness.  This program assists individuals with mental illness find and keep a job of their choosing.  Program participants have an opportunity to work with a team of professionals to maximize the possibility of employment success.


The IPS collaboration with a person's mental health treatment team brings different resources and expertise to the table to help a person find a job that matches their interests and skills.  The team approach provides people the opportunity to not only find a job but be successful in their job.  As a result, people who obtain competitive employment through IPS have been shown to have increased income, improved self-esteem, improved quality of life and reduced symptoms.

Practice Principals of Service Delivery

  1. Minimal requirement for eligibility

  2. Regular jobs are the goal

  3. Employment services are integrated with mental health services

  4. Individual preferences are priority

  5. Benefits planning is available

  6. Job search begins rapidly

  7. Staff have knowledge of business needs

  8. Services are not time limited

What Can We Do For You?

  • We will assist you in finding meaningful employment with your short and long term goals in mind

  • We collaborate with your mental health treatment team to address symptoms that may interfere with employment success

  • We will connect with you on a regular basis until your employment goal is met as well as continue to offer time unlimited support that discontinues only when you are truly comfortable with closure


If you or someone you know is interested in IPS, please contact us. We can help you determine if IPS is right for you or someone you know. Also, check out IPS Employment Center website

Ticket to Work

The Ticket to Work and Self Sufficiency (Ticket) Program is a Federally-funded employment program designed to provide Social Security disability beneficiaries (i.e., individuals receiving Social Security Disability Insurance and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits based on disability) the choices, opportunities and support they need to enter the workforce and maintain employment with the goal of becoming economically self-supporting over time.


If you or someone you know is qualified for the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program and would like more information visit or contact us.

What others say:


 “I was at a point in my life where I was so depressed I didn’t know how or where to start to put my life back together. My mental health team helped me with my self-esteem and was a God send. It all just fell into place!" 


- IPS Participant, CL

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