In-Home Support Services
Unlimited Potentials provides services for adults in their own homes and throughout the community. Because each individual we support is unique, we provide services that are tailored to each person to assist them in maintaining goals in their own home and community.
We provide services to help you meet your dreams and desires.
You can expect to work on goals that are important to you in order to increase independence. Examples of goals we work on with you may include:
Meal planning & preparation, including nutritional education
Budgeting, paying bills & gaining financial skills
Obtaining and maintaining a home
Personal appearance & hygiene
Independently taking medications
Participating in the community in which you live
Building relationships & networks
Accessing transportation & options for greater mobility
Personal safety
The overall goal of services is to build independence for each individual. Whatever the level of independence you are trying to achieve, we are dedicated to helping you to become all that you can. We offer opportunities for community inclusion based on your wants and needs. Community inclusion encourages and enhances relationship building with community members such as neighbors, local churches, and many others.
We work with you to match your needs and interests with the skills and interests of the staff person providing your specific supports. You and your support staff will build a trusting relationship as you work together to gain new skills and achieve your personal goals. The number of service hours provided is dependent on your personal health and safety needs determined by you and your team.
What others say:

“I brag to everyone about these services and am constantly referring friends and family to them and will continue to do so. I couldn't have dreamed up such a support system!”
- Lonnieta